Airbnb user accounts hacked
Hack news  May 6, 2019

Airbnb user accounts hacked

Airbnb users are complaining that their accounts have been hacked and used for making bookings, that cost them thousands of dollars.

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Ransomware MegaCortex infects corporate networks
Hack news  May 6, 2019

Ransomware MegaCortex infects corporate networks

A new ransomware MegaCortex has been discovered earlier last week.

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More than 50k firms are vulnerable by SAP exploits
Hack news  May 5, 2019

More than 50k firms are vulnerable by SAP exploits

SAP exploits could be used by cybercriminals to compromise a dozen SAP applications and delete all business data of SAP owner.

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PayPal, Amazon and eBay fake support numbers used to scam
Hack news  May 4, 2019

PayPal, Amazon and eBay fake support numbers used to scam

Scammers using fake PayPal, Amazon and eBay support numbers to abuse their customers.

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Citrix network was hacked for the 5 months
Hack news  May 2, 2019

Citrix network was hacked for the 5 months

Hackers were accessing Citrix's data from the breached networks between October 2018 and March 2019.

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Financial and private data leaked after a cyber attack at CITYCOMP
Hack news  May 1, 2019

Financial and private data leaked after a cyber attack at CITYCOMP

The affected companies include the names of Oracle, Airbus, Toshiba, Volkswagen, and other giants of industries.

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P2P cyberthreats on millions of IoT gadgets
Hack news  Apr 29, 2019

P2P cyberthreats on millions of IoT gadgets

Deep analysis by cybersecurity researchers has shown multiple cyber threats on millions of IoT gadgets and devices such as video surveillance cameras, smart bulbs, smart TV's, and etc.

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Cyberthreats 2019 Biggest risks and cybercrime trends
Hack news  Mar 7, 2019

Cyberthreats 2019 Biggest risks and cybercrime trends

Cyberthreats 2019, Biggest risks and cybercrime trends have just one direction - growing up.

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